Successful EU Project Realization

Successful EU Project Realization10-03-2021

In March 2015 the project “Implementation of innovations in Enterprise Communications Group Ltd.” was completed. The project was implemented within BG161PO003-1.1.07 Operation 1.1.2 “Support for the development of innovations by enterprises and their implementation in the economy,” Priority Axis 1: “Development of economy based on knowledge and innovation”, financed by the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013 .

  • purchase of necessary equipment for the implementation of viable and economically feasible innovative products and services;
  • preparation of marketing strategy to market the imposition of innovative products and services;
  • increase revenue and profits of the enterprise as a result of the introduction of innovative products;
  • increasing the capacity of the enterprise to implement innovations.

The final results achieved by the implementation of the project activities are implemented:

  • Innovative product: eCall device with additional functions concerning the prevention of accidents and monitoring of the administrative duties
  • Innovative service: Collection and data storage of “e-calls” with the highest level of security.

The successful implementation of the project “Implementation of innovations in Enterprise Communications Group Ltd.” created conditions for achieving the short and long term goals, increasing the competitiveness of the company through the introduction of the innovation, increasing the capacity to provide services, diversification production and achieve its optimum cost, improve the market position of the enterprise, the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the company and improve the management capacity.

21.03.2015 Enterprise Communications Group.

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During the subscription service maintenance Enterprise Communications Group Ltd. has proven that it has technically trained professionals who have demonstrated knowledge of the integrated system in a professional and timely solved issues raised during its operation.

D. Strumenlieva
Director, Coca Cola HBC Bulgaria