Legal information

Legal information

  1. Scope
    • All used by this website of Enterprise Communication Group Ltd. is subject to these Terms of Use. These terms of use may be modified, revised or replaced by other terms of use, e.g. to purchase products and services. Register on the websites of Enterprise Communications Group, or if no registration is required, by logging in to the site or using it, these terms are accepted in your current version at the moment.
    • In the case of web offers addressed to companies or state-owned enterprises, these companies or enterprises are represented by the User, and it should be assumed that he has the necessary knowledge and acts in accordance with them.
  1. Services

2.1. The current website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD contains specific information and software, as well as, as the case may be, related documentation for review or download.

2.2. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD may terminate completely or partially the operation of the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD at any time. Due to the nature of the Internet and computer systems, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD cannot assume any responsibility for the continued availability of the Enterprise Communications Group EOOD website.

  1. Registration, password

3.1. Some pages on the website of Enterprise Communications Group Ltd. may be password protected. In the interest of the safety and security of business transactions, only registered Users have the right to access these pages. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD reserves the right to refuse registration to any User. Enterprise Communications Group Ltd. expressly reserves the right to designate as requiring registration sites to which access has previously been free. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD has the right, at any time and without obligation to give explanations, to deny the User access to a password-protected area by blocking his User Data (as indicated below), especially in case the User:

  • Uses incorrect data for registration purposes;
  • Violates these Terms of Use or fails to fulfill its duty of care with respect to User Data;
  • Violates any applicable law in accessing and using the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD;
  • Has not used the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD for a long period of time.

3.2. In order to register, the User provides accurate information and, in the event of a change in this information over time, updates it (as far as possible in real time) without undue delay. The User provides an e-mail address that is up-to-date at any time by submitting it to Enterprise Communications Group EOOD, as well as a contact address for the User.

3.3. Upon registration, the User receives an access code, which consists of the User’s identification code and password (“User Data”). Upon first access, the User immediately changes the password received from Enterprise Communications Group EOOD with a password that is known only to him. User data allows the User to view or modify his data or, where applicable, to withdraw his consent to the processing of such data.

3.4. The User ensures the unavailability of his User data for third parties, being responsible for all transactions and other activities performed through his User data. At the end of each real-time session, the User exits the password-protected websites. In case and to the extent that the User becomes aware that third parties are abusing his User Data, the User notifies Enterprise Communications Group EOOD in writing or, as the case may be, by e-mail without undue delay.

3.5. Upon receipt of the notice under paragraph 3.4, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD will deny access to the relevant User Data to the area protected by a password. The access for the User will be possible only upon request to Enterprise Communications Group EOOD by the User or upon new registration.

3.6. The user may at any time request a written termination of his registration, provided that the deletion of this data will not lead to violations in the proper performance of contractual relations. In such cases, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD will delete all user data and other stored data, allowing the identification of the User at the moment when the relevant data becomes unnecessary.

  1. Rights to use information, software and documentation

4.1. The use of any information, software and documentation made available in or through the website of Enterprise Communications Group Ltd. is subject to these Terms of Use or, in the event of updating information, software or documentation subject to the applicable licensing terms, pre-agreed with Enterprise Communications Group Ltd.

4.2. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD grants the User a non-exclusive and non-transferable license, which cannot be granted as a secondary license, to use the information, software and documentation made available to the User in or through the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD or in , in the absence of such an agreement, to the extent that it meets the objectives of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD in providing the same.

4.3. The software is provided free of charge in object-oriented code. There is no right to provide the source code. This does not apply to open source related to open source software, where the license terms take precedence over these Terms of Use in the event of a transfer of open source software, and which terms require the release of the source code. In such cases, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD provides the source code against payment of costs.

4.4. The user may not at any time distribute, rent or otherwise provide to third parties the information, software and documentation. Unless permitted by the mandatory provisions of the law, the User may not modify the software or documentation, nor disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile the software or part of it. If necessary, the User may create a backup copy of the software to ensure its further use in accordance with these Terms of Use.

4.5. The information, software and documentation are protected by copyright laws, international copyright treaties, and other intellectual property laws and agreements. The user complies with these laws, in particular, does not change, hide or remove any alphanumeric codes, designations or copyright notices from the information, software or documentation, or from any copy of the above.

  1. Intellectual property

5.1. Notwithstanding the specific provisions in § 4 of these Terms of Use, the information, trademarks and other content of the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD may not be modified, copied, reproduced, sold, rented, used, supplemented or used in any way. to be another way without the prior written consent of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD.

5.2. With the exception of the rights of use and other rights expressly granted by these Terms of Use, the User does not receive any other rights, and there is no obligation on the part of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD, requiring the granting of additional rights. All patent rights and licenses are expressly excluded.

5.3. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD may use free of charge any ideas and suggestions stored by Users on the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD in connection with the development, improvement and sale of its products.

  1. Obligations of the user

6.1. When visiting or using the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD, the User does not have

  • To cause harm to other persons, especially minors, or to violate their personal rights;
  • To violate public morality through the way you use the site;
  • Infringe any intellectual or other property rights;
  • Post any content containing viruses, so-called Trojans, or other programs that could harm the data;
  • To transmit, store or post hyperlinks or content to which the user is not entitled, especially in cases where such hyperlinks or content are in breach of confidentiality or illegal;
  • Distribute advertisements or spam (so-called “spam”) or inaccurate warnings about viruses, defects or similar material, as the User does not ask for or declare participation in any lotteries, letters with “avalanche effect”, chain letters, pyramid games or similar activities.

6.2. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD may refuse access to the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD at any time, especially if the User violates any of its obligations arising from these Terms of Use.

  1. Hyperlinks

7.1. The website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD may contain hyperlinks to third party websites. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD is not responsible for the content of such web pages, does not make statements about such web pages or their content, and does not support them as its own, as Enterprise Communications Group EOOD does not control the information on such websites and is not responsible for the content. and the information included therein. The use of such websites is only at the risk of the User.

  1. Liability for naming errors or quality defects

8.1. To the extent that any information, software or documentation is provided free of charge, any liability for defects in quality or errors in the names shall be excluded, in particular as regards the accuracy or absence of errors and defects, or the absence of claims or rights of third parties, or in relation to completeness and / or appropriateness, except in cases involving unscrupulous conduct or fraud.

8.2. The information on the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD may contain specifications or general descriptions related to the technical capabilities of individual products, which may not be available in certain cases (eg due to changes in the products). Therefore, the desired quality of a product is in all cases agreed at the time of purchase.

  1. Other liability, viruses

9.1. The liability of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD for errors and defects in terms of spelling and quality is determined in accordance with the provisions of § 8 of these Terms of Use. Any additional liability on the part of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD except the one required by law is excluded, e.g. under the Manufacturer’s Liability Act or in case of unscrupulous conduct, gross negligence, bodily injury or death, non-compliance with the guaranteed characteristics, malicious concealment of facts or in case of non-fulfillment of basic contractual obligations. Damages in the event of non-compliance with basic contractual obligations are reduced to the usual foreseeable damages for the contracts, unless there is bad faith or gross negligence.

9.2. Although Enterprise Communications Group EOOD makes every effort to protect the Enterprise Communications Group EOOD website from viruses, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD cannot guarantee that it is virus-free. The user, for his own protection, takes all necessary actions to ensure the appropriate security measures, using an antivirus program before downloading any information, software or documentation.

9.3 §§ 9.1 and 9.2 do not aim at or imply any changes to the obligation to prove to the detriment of the consumer.

  1. Control over the export of information

10.1. The export of certain information, software or documentation may, e.g. due to its nature, intended use or final destination, be subject to authorization. The user strictly observes the regulations for the export of information, software and documentation, especially those of the EU, as well as of individual EU member states and the United States. Enterprise Communications Group Ltd. categorizes the information, software and documentation in accordance with the EU Export Control Lists and the US Trade Control List.

10.2. The user checks and certifies that

  • The information, software and documentation are not used for purposes related to armaments, nuclear technology or weapons;
  • No enterprise or person included in the U.S. Denial of Persons List (DPL) receives goods, software, or technology originating in the United States;
  • No company or person listed on the U.S. Warning List, Real List, or Specially Designated U.S. Register receives unlicensed U.S. origin;
  • No company or person listed in the Specially Designated List of Terrorism, List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Specially Designated Global List of Terrorism or List of EU Terrorists receives goods;
  • Military recipients of goods are not supplied;

10.3. Access to the software, documentation and information on the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD is provided only if it complies with the above checks and warranties. When the User does not comply with the above, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD is not obliged to perform.

Upon request, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD informs the User about the relevant contact persons for additional information.

  1. Protect data privacy

11.1 In processing, use and processing of data allowing identification of the User on the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD, Enterprise Communications Group EOOD observes the applicable laws for data privacy protection and the policy of the website of Enterprise Communications EOOD. of the data, which is available through a hyperlink on the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD and / or

  1. Supplementary agreements, jurisdiction, applicable law

12.1. Any additional agreement must be made in writing.

12.2. The individual pages of the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD are created and administered by Enterprise Communications Group EOOD. The pages are in accordance with the applicable law in the country where the registered office of the responsible company is located. Enterprise Communications Group EOOD does not declare that the information, software and / or documentation on the Enterprise Communications Group EOOD website is suitable or available for review or download in areas outside that country. If the Users visit the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD from a place outside the borders of the respective country, they are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws. Access to the information, software and / or documentation on the website of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD is prohibited in countries where such content is illegal. In case and when a User wants to work with Enterprise Communications Group EOOD, the User must contact the representative of Enterprise Communications Group EOOD in the respective country for realization of a certain activity in the country.

12.3. These Terms of Use are subject to the laws of Bulgaria, and all disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use or their subject matter shall be resolved in accordance with them, except for the rules of conflict of laws. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) on 11 April 1980 is excluded.